Saturday, 22 September 2012

Cornish Pasties

 Did you know that Cornish Pasties where first made so that the miners could take a good meal with them to work? The crust was never made to be eaten, just the meat. The idea was that because the miners got so dirty at work and things like arsenic would be on their hands, they could eat the pasty met without touching it and then throw away the crust.

Also it was said that the Miner would eat the meat and veg of the pasty and throw the crust to the God of the cave for luck. This wasn't proved but I'm sure this was true in some areas.

Another interesting fact about The Cornish Pasty is that a true Cornish one doesn't have Carrots in. In Cornwall around the time the Pasty was introduced, Carrot Fly was a big problem and so they didn't tend to grow carrots hence didn't have them to ass too the pasty mix.

So Why am I blogging about it? Well we find other Food such as Melton Mowbury Pork Pies and Kendal Mint Cake all have story's of how and why it came about in the areas of their name.

Also Rugby (not mention for a while) was believe to have started at Rugby School, where it is said Wiliiam Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it. Then later a set of Rules where drawn up by the seniors at Rugby School.

Even where I live a sea plane was designed and first flew in the Sky's around Suffolk, the famous Felixstowe Sea Plane was named after the nearest town it was born.

One thing we can be sure about is that we all have a name, or at least call something by people that know us, my name Gareth David Cook was given to me by my parents no idea why Gareth, but David is my Dads name, and having a family name of Cook I'm known to many as Cooky.

A name is an identity and we may be known as many different names by different people depending on our relationship with those people. There may be be many reasons why places and people get names and are known for different reasons.

There has to be a reason for everything, and there has to be a point to everything or we could only assume that nothing in this world matters. We must also take pride in names and know although there may well be others called the same we are the only unique one that there is.

I know there is other Gareth David Cooks in this world, but I'm the only one hat is me, I'm the only one that has my thoughts and does my actions an have learnt to be proud. Not of all I've done but of all I am.

The Cornish People are so proud of the pasty that every time the Cornish Rugby Team have got to Twickenham the Supporters pass a Giant Pasty over the Posts. Be proud of who you are and what you believe. Because God made you unlike any other person on the earth. Until we realise are true reason for being who we where Named, we cant be Free to be our true selves. 

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