Friday, 28 September 2012


Yesterday was my Nana Littles funeral, I did feel sadness and although some found it hard at the cemetery it mainly felt relaxed and in a strange way nice.

Having lost my mum 9 years ago and my grandad over 20 years ago I could only think of the reunion taking place in heaven. My Grandad and Mum also had a strong christian faith and knew where they where going before they died.

Even more so my Nana knew 100% that she would be of to heaven and she would often make remarks about it  even when we where children. Death to her wasn't the end and she had in someways a relaxed view of it. I remember a few years after my Grandad died (Norman Little) a friend of mine was going away and needed someone to look after the hamster. I new my Nana would love this so we took the rodent round to her. My Nana couldn't help but laugh so much when we realised the hamsters name was Norman and said ''oh no, he's back again''.

during the funeral the officer that lead it pointed out something that stuck in my mind. The fact that Nana was a christian and knew Jesus died on the cross for her, she was now in a new life for eternity. She was with her mum and dad, and with her husband and family and her daughter and many of her friends that had gone before her. Then the Question was asked, ''Are you going to join them?''

Jesus said ''No one comes to the father except through me''. what does this mean? OK it could sounds a little harsh but only those that believe that Jesus was killed on a cross and then came back to life a few days later and knew that Jesus died on that cross for them would have entry into heaven.

This doesn't mean a selected few, it doesn't mean just people that go to church or ''do gooders'' it means everyone that believes and has faith in and trusts in God. and amazingly it includes me (which I know to many can be hard to believe). But it also means You could too.

Because we believe in heaven then we must also believe in hell. The bible tells us about both places and although it seems extreme it is also very real. And I guess soem of the reason I do these blogs is to hope that many of my friends and family will be joining me in Heaven for ever. 

Do you know where your going when you die? Death does not have to mean the End.

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