Thursday, 1 November 2012

all things are possible

After another week of no blogging I decided it was time to put prayer into action and look to be inspired again.

Last night was that evening that some people say evil spirits come out to play and a dark force is among us. Well I'm not sure last night was any different to any others and where I live the only dark force was a bunch of kids dressed an Zombies and carrying bags of sweets.

Christians know that there is a Spirit realm in which the devil works. Now It wasn't something I really knew about until I read the book on Mission Asia that this Spirit realm became real to me.

Don't worry I haven't started talking to dead people or ghost hunting. (my interest in ghosts is souly historic interest - ill blog about it soon)

But don't panic, the evil spirits do exist and the spirit realm is very real but we have a ''not so secret weapon'' because at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. No evil or devil or bad spirit can touch us or come anywhere near us as when you order in the name of Jesus you can over come all.

So what bad stuff is going on in your life right now. I know I have plenty. But I truly believe in my heart that when the bible says Trust in the Lord with all your heart, its not just words its actions. Remember God has Plans for Good, he want the best and when we trust in Jesus all things are possible.

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