One of the disciples ask jesus to teach them how to pray, so Jesus taught them The Lord pray..
Father, may your name be kept holy and your kingdom come. Give us every day bread for our needs. May we have forgiveness for our sins, as we make free all those who are in debt to us. And let us not be put to the test.
This was a pretty good general pray and is still a great basis for all our praying today.
But then Jesus explained about prayer saying that if they went to a friends house late at nigh and asked to borrow some bread but the friend shouted "go away I'm in bed" but you kept knocking on the for and asking eventually because of your persistence he will get up and give you all the bread he has.
If you child asks for fish for dinner, do you give him a snake? No because you know how to give good gifts to your kids.
How much more then will god give to us if we keep asking. This is explaining that when we ask and ask again in prayer god will answer for we have shown faith.
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