Tuesday, 6 November 2012

My favorite joke ever......

This Alsatian  dog goes into the local Job Centre looking for a job. He walks up to the lady at the desk and says ''Hi, I'm looking for work''. Surprised the lady (almost falling of her chair) said '' Wow your a dog... and you talk''. ''Yes Yes'' Says the Alsatian, ''Im a talking dog looking for work''.

The ladie tells the dog to wait as she may just have the perfect job for the talking Alsatian. Then a few minuets late the lady comes back and tells the dog to be at Chipperfield Circus at 9am the following day.

Happy, the dog thanks the ladie and starts to walk out of the Job Centre then suddenly turns back. ''Just one thing'' the dog says to the lady....... ''what do Chipperfield circus want a brick layer for''.

Now your either laughing with me, or your sat in silence not getting the Joke. Either way forget the joke. The Job Centre staff member had seen the Talking dog and came up with her own ideal job him.

With no questions or thought she thought she new what was the best line of work for the Alsatian, and straight away called the Circus to tell them of this amazing find.

It so easy to make our minds up about people before we even get to know them. Its also easy to think we know what is best for someone else. But to be honest, its acts like this that make people the way they are.

Ive been exercising my brain in recent weeks to try and look through the exterior of people and try and see the good inside. Its an amazing skill to have but sadly I don't have that natural skill and very often look at what I see as the whole story. I also sometimes think I know what people need and sometimes think to myself a good kick up the back side would be an answer. 

But trying to look at people differently and listening to what people say, I have not only found I can learn from others, Ive also seen many in a completely different way.

Challenge.... Try and look at someone differently, It could be someone you know well or someone famous, try and see the good things about them and then try and see the world through their eyes. Also try and look at them through Gods eyes and think about how Jesus sees that person.

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