Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Which WAy?

Theres a story in the bible about a talking donkey.... strange I know but hey why not after all there was also a talking bush. 

The Donkey belonged to a guys called Balaam and while on the way to somewhere God dint want him to go the donkey spoke to him. Read about it in Numbers 22: 28.

Even Jonah tried to run from a place that God wanted him to go. Got swallowed by a ''big fish'' that spat him back on the beach where god was trying to send him. Read it in Jonah 1: 1.

Ever get that feeling you should be doing something different. Maybe life just isn't what you think it should be, or feel it should be taking a different direction. Well when we stop and think about what God wants, and even ask him what he wants, life can take a turn in a better direction.
If your hearing one thing from God and another from people around you, which one is right?  and how can we be sure its actually God and not ourselves telling us the way forward.

Im a great believer in Listening and learning (something I've never been good at in the past) If your going to pray and speak to god, we assume he is listening. So its only right to listen to him. His answers may not be always easy to hear, and his will may not always be easy to swallow. But he does listen and he does answer.

OH its so hard doing the right thing. Does god speak through others? does he talk directly at you? Does he stick a big sign up for you to see on you way to work saying ''THIS WAY''.

Well I guess all of these are possible its just knowing which to look for I guess. So many things are giving me so many directions It really hard to go in any direction/ But then maybe that's what he wants ''WHO KNOW?''

I guess if we choose the wrong direction and trust in him, like Balaam and Jonah he will direct us back or if not back he will keep us on the right road as long as we listen.


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