Tuesday, 27 November 2012


I may have Jumped the gun with the blog about The Rapture. It seems there could be a slight clash of Opinions in the Bible on this subject.

I guess its another learning situations for me, and I may have looked at some information that was... I wouldn't say wrong... maybe... not the whole truth.

when I got home that night I started thinking about how scary the Rapture thing was. And seeming I was ready to got to heaven then what did I need to do?

It all seemed like something from a horror movie that I didnt want to be a part of so I needed to look into it all a bit more. To think that only a small part of the church was ready for heaven I wondered how many of my church and friends where ready.

It says so many other things in the bible ''He that believes in the lord shall never die but have eternal life'' however I think I've worked out that its more than just believing in God, its living with God that makes the difference.

Please don't think The Rapture is a threatening ''if you don't go to church your doomed'' type of thing, its not. and I believe the God I serve just wants us to put all our trust in him and do the best we can to keep him at the center of our lives and to be the best we can be.

I guess what Ive learned from this is that we need to check stuff out for ourselves, our ministers, people on TV and the internet can say what ever they like and different people will have different views on different subjects. So do we trust those people more than God?

We need to check it out. just like I did. I had something in my mind telling me what I learned just didn't weigh up something telling me to seek the truth for myself. I'm not sure I'm any clearer than when I started looking at the subject, but what I can say is I'm not in such a panic about getting ready because if I took the teaching I had on Friday as 100% true then I don't think ill ever be ready.

I just wanted to share this story too.

Earlier on in the year when most of this stuff was new to me I sat and watch THE GOD CHANEL. Yes Yes I know it seems a little sad. Anyway there was an american on saying how god reformed his life when he had no money.

He said how he got $500 and then within a day he had given that $500 to the church and to the poor people (he said this was an order from god.He said how he became rich and made his money back a hundred times over.

Suddenly after a great and inspiring story from the flamboyant American guy the program changed it to what I can only describe as a Telefon (you know the kind of thing) The where asking people too ''SOW SEEDS'' and promising great wealth to those who did.

Now considering my new faith and and the fact I was struggling with all aspects of my life at the time there was a point I reached for my wallet, but it just didnt seem right to give to this TV program.

Deciding not to give $500 to this ''Seed Sowing Church'' I looked into it and when reading and asking others about it I realised I had done the right thing by not giving.. Had God stopped me from throwing away $500 0r am I not as gullible  as I thought

Thje bible says ''be aware of false profits'' I think the church on God TV where making fulse profits in more ways than one, So If you heard something dont just assume its correct.... look it up and learn more..

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