Don't worry. this isn't a tribute to Clive Dunn but I did get me wondering what reaction people would have when I die. And trying not to be morbid or anything but just a thought of how important are others to us.and what felling would we be leaving behind.
Like my friend Mark Versey, who left us all with such a legacy from how he lived for Christ, Like Clive Dunn, who's name when you hear it just seems to bring a smile to your face, some people will leave a mark in your life by how they lived theirs and what they did with theirs.
Maybe sometimes we have to look at our lives and ask questions like, How will we be remembered? are we going to leave a legacy of any worth?
With other new in the last few weeks The BBC is under pressure as allegations started to emerge of one of their much loved past presenters may well have be a peadofile and left with children on a regular basis.
Now then, the legacy left by this man was one of greatness, TV work, Radio Work and a massive amount of work for charity and even a knighthood left a memories of respect and maybe even inspirational. Only he left with a few stones unturned and over night seemed to have gone from a respected (if not a little eccentric) to a sad old crazy man that (it is reported) has had his Head stone removed be the family.
What will you be remembered for? is it something you have done or is it something your going to do?
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