Tuesday, 20 November 2012


I have said it before and Ill say it again. ''We Never stop Learning'' and in fact learning is what helps us to grow and move forward.

I was told yesterday it was about time I blogged again. The truth is I haven't really felt like blogging for over a week. I have been really struggling with my faith in God and been in a really dark place.

Remember Jesus on the cross, he called out ''My father, why have you forsaken me''. The thing was that God hadnt forsaken Jesus or left him to die on a cross, he had given him the strength to endure the crosifixtion and then raised him from the dead.

Once again its about faith and believing in god and his promise. finding the faith to believe in God is so hard (espetally when others try and knock you down) even Jesus when hanging on the cross started to lose faith.

I guess im hanging on that cross at the moment, suffering the hurt and trying to understand why I'm where I am. Why people in my life have hurt me and why God seems too have stopped caring. Maybe when I call and hear him Im listening to the wrong voice. I guess all I can do in trust and dig in and have the faith that god will keep his promise to me.

This morning a good friend of mine share a prayer with me called ''Serenity''. To be honest Im not really even sure Ive ever heard that word before but the prayer was one of those simple and powerful ones that has left its mark on me today.....

The first time I read it today I wondered if it was a bit of a ''get out'' prayer, one of those very general prays that is the answer for everything. But reading it again I realised that I cant change any situation unless I do it with god. I wont find courage without god to do whats right and god will give me the wisdom to know whats right.

SERENITY....? I can only guess it means peace or grace. or and calmer state of mind?.... Well I pray this prayer and try and hold on to Gods word, He will light my path and deliver the best..

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