We all have doubts in our head and worries that sometimes just don't seem to go away. Sometime we don't even know what we are worried about.
It was no different even when Jesus was on earth. Many would still doubt his ability and his claims.
One day a father went to Jesus with a young boy, "Jesus" he said, "if you can heal my son I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life". Jesus did heal the boy but he looked at the father and asked "if I ?"
The father had a little doubt in his mind and Jesus spotted it.
Thomas didn't believe it was Jesus that stood in front of him, after all he had just seen Jesus die on the cross 48 hour earlier.
Moses. He had doubt and Jesus had to turn his staff into a snake, even after the burning bush affair.
Even Jesus on the cross spoke to god and said "my father why have you forsaken me"
Saxons used to get berried with a cross in one hand and a coin in the other (or a bag of coins). The cross was to show when the got to heaven and the coin was to satisfy a belief that was non christian and involve paying a ferry man to get to the other side.
So did the cross get them to heaven? Or did the coin stop them from getting to heaven?
Jerimiah 33.3 tells us god can do anything and then we should show faith like David, Abraham and Noah because remember the mustard seed thing... If we have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, we can move a mountain.
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