Wednesday, 2 January 2013

In Gods hands

I must admit, i was going to stop writing blogs on here in 2013. I guess I have beenfeeling a little under qualified to continue with it as it seems to grow more each week.

when I get feed back from people, sure its great to hear they read it and i hope it helps put a different  veiw on thing. When i get bad feed back, well that just makes me blog more.

Ive been looking at a change in the blog for a while and hope to add those changes soon. But until that is possible I may have to either carry on as I am, or put it on hold for a few months.

Thing is when I started at the end of january last year I didn't think id have to many people interested in reading it, and no way did I think I would be looking at 10,000 views in a year. Well that's what its come too, and now I'm wondering if I have bitten of more than I can chew.

I'm writing this having beenawake all night trying to work things out about my life and its been a long darkand lonely time. But suddenly at 7am I find myself blogging, and simething tells me I have to at least try anddo a few more.

There has been somthing in my head for a while now, and although Ive not done much about it, I think I'm going to look into it a little further in 2013. It could be a massive step out in faith, or it could just mean continuing as I am. Either way I'm going to have to have faith God equips me follow his lead

I have some great ideas for this blog, shouldit continue. But if it doesn't I will know that I tried my best and have done what I believe God has asked.

You know I'm not sure God will always give you what you ask, sometimes he has other ideas. But I am sure god gives you direction, and I'm sure if you don't get it or understand he will make It clearer somehow.

There's some things that are just beyond our control. Something's we just can't make sense of right now and others we know are going to change everything. We may even be praying for them not to happen and hope God will fix it all. One thing for curtain is what ever the future holds we're in his hands.

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