Saturday, 5 January 2013


There's a great story in the bible about two builders. Both builders where building a house. The first builder decides that he would build his house on a nice bit of flat sand, this should make placing the foundations easier and then should be a much quicker and easier build.

The second builder finds a hard rock base bit of land and decides that the stronger base may be a tricky area to lay foundations but should make the rest of the build easier with less problems.

We all know what come next don't we. The wind, rain and floods come along and the house that was on the sand colapses and sinks into the soft ground. But the house on the rock stands up to the situation and because of the solid rock base it stays strong and provides shelter through many more storms.

Its a classic Sunday school story and one that is told to the very youngest of children. There's no harm in us all being reminded of that story from time to time as we are reminded of the why it was told all those years ago.

What is our it we base our lives on? Is it that life is meaning less? I guess if it was true that we where all here by accident then yes, I guess life is just a pointless journey.

But life I guess isn't meaningless. We all have to make decitions, we all have to but our trust in others and we all have to think in some way about the future.

What foundation do you have in you life? Is it like the house on the sand that is easy and quick to build? After all if its just a case of we live and then die its alright to try a make quick success.

Or is it better to place a solid foundation, one that brings hope, one that give promise one that will still be there after many storms.

To but you trust in God is to build your house on a firm foundation, not one that's easy and quick to build on.

We live we die. That's an easy consept to belive, it has no real meaning or future but is easy and quick to grasp. But to but your trust in God is sometimes hard but will stand you on the strongest foundation, give you hope and will not let you down.

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