Wednesday, 9 January 2013


In the parable of the sower it mentions the seeds that fall on hard ground. Saying they spring up fast but soon dies as they have no roots.

Jesus then later explains this by saying "The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away". (Matthew 13:20, 21 NIV)

It's so easy to see God in all the good that happens, but when bad things happen or we hit a low point where all around us seems to feel like the end, it easy to lose faith in God.

For weeks I got a buzz from my experience from god. That soon past and I did wonder what would happen next. But what I found is it gave me a real desire to pick up the bible regularly and learn more each day.

People will come to church and enjoy the fellowship and find joy in the good news. But as soon as trouble comes and disaster strikes it's all to easy for some to turn from god and become "backsliders" as so church people would say.

It was never promised that being a Christian would make you free from pain and illness. It didn't say that nothing would go wrong again. But it did promise God would be there with you.

I'm told that going though hard times is always going to happen, but it's those times god can use to make you stronger and coming out the other side, as a Christian will strengthen your faith and god will have used that time to make more like him, and your roots will have grown deeper in the soil.

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