How many times have you seen a sports result and while your impressed with one team beating the other, someone who actually saw the event may say that the result wasn't a reflection of the game.
I remember some small town football team playing Manchester United in the FA Cup. Manchester where all over the opposition and with much more possession and many more attempts on goal they just could seem to find a way to score.
The other team had hardly any of the ball and very few chances but scored two goals. 2 - 0 against Manchester United however pleasing it was and a great result the truth was that Manchester where far the better team.
I remember talking about Gideon at Sunday school but never really listened fully to the whole story.
I remember the bit about how Gideon got his army down from 30000 to 300 and the bit about the trumpets and torches that finally help chase off the people that they where attacking. But the stuff about the fleece was new to me.
I guess that was another Sunday school I didn't listen in.
It's the same with Joseph's coat of many colours, and although it did play an important part in his brothers selling him as a slave, it wasn't the full story.
We quite often get only part of the story or we seem to make more of the wrong bit of the story.
It's important to hear the full story so we can make a better judgment of the results.
Before you make or have an opinion of the bible or story's in it, try reading it.
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