Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Bigger Picture

Ive played rugby at Twickenham, does that put me on the wall of Twickenham legends? I once camped out in freezing conditions in Thetford forest, does that make me a great explorer? I write this blog and its seen all over the world, does that make me a International Aurthur?

Well the Answer to all these questions is, NO, of course these things don't make you any of the suggested,. Why? because Its not giving you the whole picture.

If I tell you I'm a musician, some of you may be impressed, some may not and others would laugh. This is because I have been known to play a brass instrument in my younger days but truth was I'm OK with a natural key signature, and can play the C scale as good as the next person. But when it comes to Sharpe's and Flats I just ain't getting it.

I have a friend who's a window cleaner, When anyone asks what he does for a living he will reply, ''Im a Vision Tecnition''.

We all have a tendency to elaborate a story to make ourselves better than we really are. Bending the truth can always lead to bending it to much its snaps though and we find ourselves open to out ands out lies.

After eating the apple from the tree of knowledge Adam and Eve looked at each other. It was at that moment they realised that they where naked and first felt embarrassed. They covered up making cloths from the plants in the garden.
tThey went to see God who asked them ''have you eaten from the tree I told you not to eat from'' No they replied. ''What is this you have Covering up your bodies?'' God asked. See God New they had taken an apple from the tree of knowledge by the simple fact they where covered up. They where pure and naked up until they ate the apple The innocence went and the sins started.

God knew and he knows when we lie, cheat, steel and all those other sins we do because we are human. But God knows that, which is why in his wisdom he sent Jesus to earth. Not to stop us sinning or to make it OK to sin. He sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. So when you open your heart to god and ask Jesus into your life it like a new start, He forgive all you sins and your ''Born again''

What Ive learnt from being a christian is that you don't have to get the whole bible, you don't have to understand every word. And there's no shame in questioning any of it. When you let Jesus in to your heart is when God starts to draw for you the Bigger Picture .

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