Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Is It's gods plan?

So how many of you still have you new years resolution intact? How many fell at the first hurdle, and after a eventful late new years eve party woke up late the morning and just couldn't make the change?

I must put my hands up and confess that my resolution fell at the first hurdle and after about 20 minuets during the evening of January 1st I fell asleep trying to pray for an hour. Big Fail? maybe not as Im really trying to take time every day to pray, even if its just a quick prayer Im sure god know what is in our thoughts.

A new year marks a start, a new chapter a new begining of our lives. We seem to start or finish things on January 1st each year, but if we have failed in our quest to change or improve things have we lost the chance of a new start for another 12 months?

A new begining could be at the start of every month, every week or how about every day. After all the sunsets each day and it rises the next day to present a new begining.

Everyday we are given the chance to start a new chapter, a chance to leave yesturday behind us and start again.When we read in the bible that God is the same today as yesturday, and will not change tomorrow I wonder if it was saying that anytime can be the start of somthing new or a fresh start, the start of somthing he had already planned?

So maybe a failure in life if the chance to get a fresh start. I blogged about Joseph last week and how his trust in God lead him to some pretty bad things but his trust paid of as he became king of Eygipt.

When he was reunited with his brothers that had sold him in the first place he didn't hate them or blame them in anyway as he beloved it was all in Gods plan.

The hardest thing is not to fail but to see that God has a bigger plan.

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