Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Searching For Answers`
There are some fur out storys in that book believe me. talking bushes, big fish spitting people out on the beach, men standing in fire and not getting burnt, a guy in a lions den but not getting eaten whats all that about?
So many stories in the bible I quite hard to get you head around, but I guess the people in those storys must have been thinking the same thing... What happened there?
At the time these guys must have ask why is this happening and many needed and asked God for signs to prove they could tust him. Gideon was one of these. in fact he had to double check with god placeing a fleece outside two nights in a row.
Many times we ask that question and I guess many times we don't get an answer (or not straight away)
Joseph must have ask ''Why?'' so many times and it was years after when he looked back and sew how stuff had turned out.
OK this doesnt help us right now I know, and believe me to keep trusting in God and to live by faith is not easy some times. We want answers NOW!
My son was balancing on the wall in our garden. I had told him to get down and he asked WHY? just at that point he fell of and crazed his leg and came to me crying. I guess he got his Answer, So when will we?
When it comes down to it God just tells us to trust him, and Why? then becomes How? and how we trust him is believing and reading the bible and these crazy stories in side.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Do the impossible
But when no one else was brave enough to take on a giant, little David stood up and volunteered.
I shouldn't think it inspired much confidents in the army's ranks knowing this young harp playing kid was going to front up against this massive of enemy's worrior.
What happened next is known by everyone, and it's the classic hollywood movie plot. David picks up a stone, sticks it in his sling and fires home a shot straight into the head of Goliath.
The impossible was achieved. The many doubters on both sides of the battle stood dumb struck as David put his faith in god.
People telling us "it just isn't possible", "there's just no way it's going to happen". Well try butting you trust in god, aim your prays high with faith like never before, and that impossible by him will be made possible.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
With online churches and online bible studies springing up all over the web it is clear that Christians all around the world are using the Internet to great advantage.
A line in Jesus Christ superstar says "If you'd come today he would have reached a whole nation, Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication". This was Judas talking to Jesus.
So would Jesus use the Internet if he was here today? Would he have a Facebook profile or a twitter account? Would he use live stream to talk to the world?
Jesus doesn't need to use the Internet, how ever great it is. He doesn't need to update his status or tweet parables as he is far far greater than the World Wide Web but may be he is already using it.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Humans Being Church
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
The Dress Maker
Its a really struggle to be honest. I guess when you just have no passion for something the best thing to do is leave it because I'm a great believer in doing something whole heatedly not half heatedly.
I once knew a dress maker who had a passion for material and fashion. he made wedding dresses as a hobby and and his attention to detail was amazing. He could have been a top designer and made a fantastic living with his skills.
When ask why he never went into making dresses full time for a living he answered ''I love what I do and do it because I enjoy it, If it was my living then it would become a thing I had to do and I would lose the enjoyment and passion''
The fact was the dress maker could put his tools down at anytime and his mortgage and way of life wasn't dependant on it. he had a day job that paid the bills and if dress making took over that it would then become a must do rather than a want to do thing. Stuff like dead lines and Invoicing would take over stuff like textures and colours.
So many things can pull us down in every day life. For me at the moment it seems I get over one thing only to be dumped with more stuff to deal with.It is then you have to stop and put your hands up and walk away.
Frank Spencer was a classic example of back luck, I remember watching one scene where he tried to stop a china vase from falling to the ground. as he went to stop it from smashing he knocked over something else then almost like a domino effect everything started to go wrong.
If he had just stood and watched the vase fall and smash into pieces he would have been left with a bit of sweeping up to do but instead he tried to stop the vase and ended up in a place where nothing was left in one piece.
When we are left with nothing we have a blank canvas to work from. I found there's no point in fighting a lost battle you ll just lose more of your armour. retreat and admit defeat then maybe you ll live to fight another day.
Friday, 18 January 2013
Forget the past.
Wow... now there's a revelation. but I guess with me and other people right now I just don't feel I have the a good enough reason to worry others. I sit at the side of the church and make sure I do my best to blend in.
I can write blog after blog in the hope it may have some meaning to somebody somewhere. but I'm in a point in my life where all I can do is trust in God and try and listen for answers or see throw the fog ahead.
I had a saying as a rugby coach that got me out of a few scrapes, that was ''do as I say, not as I do'' that was because I wasn't the most gifted rugby player and sometimes coaching players of a higher standard than me.
I could scrummage as good as the next person but when it came to other skills I was as much use as a chocolate teapot. My tackling needed work, my pass needed more work and my fitness was mostly used up putting my boots on.
Some how I was able to take a group of players and get them playing Rugby and enjoying it. It was what I did. My ideas of rugby wasn't to turn players into internationals or to take a side to premiership status, it was to ensure each player enjoyed rugby.
My blogs not important to people, it helps me relax.and is something I do that helps to get me away from the anxiety and depression. It in no way makes me a great christian (trust me I'm far from it).
Its interesting looking back on the blogs Ive done and sometimes it reminds me of stuff Id forgotten and all I'm doing is sharing my thoughts and ideas. weather you read them is up to you.
if I can look back on the blogs Ive done and learn from them then is kind of like learning from our mistakes.
If we can look back on our past and pick out mistakes I'm sure we would find a whole list of stuff we would have done different. Unfortunately we cant, but what we can do is learn from them. One things for sure God doesn't look back on our mistakes and shake his head, he takes those mistakes and uses them for good when we let him.
Remember the past has done just that its past, gone, finished and the only thing important about it is what we can lean from it. The future is yet to come, Forget the past, as god has always known the future
What Rules?
Ever seen those posters on the side of a swimming pool..No Diving, Bombing, Running, Shouting or Petting well they are all fun and the sort of stuff we want to do in the swimming pool. But pool rules are there for our safety, and I guess in this day and age pool owners need to restrict accidents as much as possible.
In my church (The Salvation Army) there are many rules, but if we travel a short distance down the road these rules will change. If we look back over 30 years we will see change in the rules too. Is this a sign of moving forward or is it a sign of weakness in faith? Hey I'm not sure, but what I have learnt is not to get too hung up on rules.
Rules in the bible where laid out quite simply in the 10 commandments and Jesus would often talk about ways to live our lives. Those rules have never changed and the guide lines remain as strong today.
So who makes Rules and why do they change. Well some will say its to bring things up to date with today's culture, others will say its to ensure we keep moving forward. Maybe when we set rules or change rules we should not look forward but look back. Who will this effect, who has this effected is it the way forward or are we quite simply loosing our passion and faith.
If your not happy about rule changes, don't sit quietly in a corner moaning about them, find out why they have happened and stand up and be counted. There is not one person in this world that Jesus doesn't know and each and everyone is as important as the next.
Its the same in church, every person within that church is as important as the next. We all have a important role to play and each role is as important as another.
If your sitting in church feeling like a spare part or feeling like you have no importance maybe its time to step forward.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
It used to baffle me at school when girls had an argument they would fall out and end up never talking to that other person for the rest of the year or never again.
This seems to happen even into their adaulthood. I've seen many ladies fall out and now ignore one another and wonder if they'll ever find away of setteling their differences.
Boys on the other hand seem different. I remember 2 boys fighting in the play ground at lunch time and walk home together the same days as best mates.
Ive seen fights on the rugby field where 15 v 25 men browl and fists are thrown and blood is drawn. Then after the game they have all shook hands and chatted over a pint in the club house.
''FORGIVENESS''. It one of the things that I struggle with when it comes to living a christian life and when it comes to forgiving someone it always seems to mean I want them to do something first. Its the school day quote all over again ''why should I say sorry, he started it'' or ''Im not going to forgive them until they sort it out''. Yep Forgiveness sure is hard.
I went to see Les Miserables last week and the main story line was Jon Valjean being chased throughout the film by Inspector Javert because he Jumped perol. Close to the end of the film Veljean get a chance to kill Javert but instead lets him go saying I know youve hunted me down everywhere I go but you where only doing you duty to God.
Now Valjean it would seem was put in prison for stealing some bread to feed his family, but put inside for 20 years so hardly a criminal. Infact he was a good man who cared for people and used his wealth to in a Godly way. He could have shot Javert and live a free man,. but instead he forgave him even though it meant going back to prison.
Forgiveness sometimes takes courage. it sometimes means swallowing your pride or could even mean letting others down. I struggle with forgivness and if you look to the bible for help the is so many references to it even in the Lords Prayer it says ''Forgive us, as we forgive them''.
God the Father forgives. What ever we do or say he forgives us. So we should forgive others. No one said it was simple.
Read Matthew 18 : 22 - 25
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
The Bigger Picture
Well the Answer to all these questions is, NO, of course these things don't make you any of the suggested,. Why? because Its not giving you the whole picture.
If I tell you I'm a musician, some of you may be impressed, some may not and others would laugh. This is because I have been known to play a brass instrument in my younger days but truth was I'm OK with a natural key signature, and can play the C scale as good as the next person. But when it comes to Sharpe's and Flats I just ain't getting it.
I have a friend who's a window cleaner, When anyone asks what he does for a living he will reply, ''Im a Vision Tecnition''.
We all have a tendency to elaborate a story to make ourselves better than we really are. Bending the truth can always lead to bending it to much its snaps though and we find ourselves open to out ands out lies.
After eating the apple from the tree of knowledge Adam and Eve looked at each other. It was at that moment they realised that they where naked and first felt embarrassed. They covered up making cloths from the plants in the garden.
tThey went to see God who asked them ''have you eaten from the tree I told you not to eat from'' No they replied. ''What is this you have Covering up your bodies?'' God asked. See God New they had taken an apple from the tree of knowledge by the simple fact they where covered up. They where pure and naked up until they ate the apple The innocence went and the sins started.
God knew and he knows when we lie, cheat, steel and all those other sins we do because we are human. But God knows that, which is why in his wisdom he sent Jesus to earth. Not to stop us sinning or to make it OK to sin. He sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. So when you open your heart to god and ask Jesus into your life it like a new start, He forgive all you sins and your ''Born again''
What Ive learnt from being a christian is that you don't have to get the whole bible, you don't have to understand every word. And there's no shame in questioning any of it. When you let Jesus in to your heart is when God starts to draw for you the Bigger Picture .
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
The Internet.
Social Media is an amazing thing, We can almost be part of someones life that lives on the other side of the world, we can get news and almost live updates about what friends are doing anywhere and I have recently come across a Salvation Army TV channel which aloud me to watch a concert by the Chicago Youth Band Live. (is that a little sad?)
There is a line in Jesus Christ Superstar that says ''If you'd come today you would have reached a whole nation, Israel in 4 BC had no mass comunication''. But what Jesus did was use what he had to great effect.Things he did where so amazing that he didn't need to use youtube, facebook or twitter he used people.
See people back then talked, they told others about what they had seen and the word soon spread far and wide about Jesus and what he was doing. God didn't need to update his status or make a video about it, he just sent Angles made bright stars or used people.Also in those days if people didn't talk about stuff they didn't get to know about it. There was no local papers or TV and Radio. People talked because people needed to learn and needed to know..
Today The Internet is what speaks, it even gives people like me and you a voice. It opens up many opportunities for people all over the world. Sure there is a lot of bad and dark stuff that happens on line, but remember that Light always over powers dark.
So would God use the Internet when he returns?....He already is.
Two Farmers
After praying for a down fall the first farmer went out and carefully watered the crops attending to the ones most in need of water. He took special care to try and leave some water in reserve so that he could repeat the process the next day.
The second farmer when out and looked at his crops and decided to do nothing, in stead he filled a bath with his reserves and rested.
Which of the farmers showed more faith in god?
Well it maybe obvious but you'll be surprised that some choose the wrong farmer.
Sure the farmer prayed and went out and tended to his plants. And yes this could have been a sign of faith. He used the Water anyway hoping god would answer prayer. But he still made sure there was some in the tank for the next days watering.
The second farmer prayed and did nothing, in fact he went and bathed in the little water he had left. He knew that God answers prayer and that God will send rain to feed the fields and fill the water reserve tanks.
the next day the farmers woke to over flowing water tanks and healthy refreshed crops. Neither of the farmer had done wrong, but one farmer believed in god and the other edged his bets.
When Jesus appeared to Thomas after Thomas had watch him die on the cross Thomas still didn't believe it was Jesus. Thomas had to see the holes in Jesus hands and feet before he believed even though Jesus had told them this was going to happen. It was then Jesus said
Monday, 14 January 2013
The full story
I remember some small town football team playing Manchester United in the FA Cup. Manchester where all over the opposition and with much more possession and many more attempts on goal they just could seem to find a way to score.
The other team had hardly any of the ball and very few chances but scored two goals. 2 - 0 against Manchester United however pleasing it was and a great result the truth was that Manchester where far the better team.
I remember talking about Gideon at Sunday school but never really listened fully to the whole story.
I remember the bit about how Gideon got his army down from 30000 to 300 and the bit about the trumpets and torches that finally help chase off the people that they where attacking. But the stuff about the fleece was new to me.
I guess that was another Sunday school I didn't listen in.
It's the same with Joseph's coat of many colours, and although it did play an important part in his brothers selling him as a slave, it wasn't the full story.
We quite often get only part of the story or we seem to make more of the wrong bit of the story.
It's important to hear the full story so we can make a better judgment of the results.
Before you make or have an opinion of the bible or story's in it, try reading it.
Doubt and worrie
It was no different even when Jesus was on earth. Many would still doubt his ability and his claims.
One day a father went to Jesus with a young boy, "Jesus" he said, "if you can heal my son I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life". Jesus did heal the boy but he looked at the father and asked "if I ?"
The father had a little doubt in his mind and Jesus spotted it.
Thomas didn't believe it was Jesus that stood in front of him, after all he had just seen Jesus die on the cross 48 hour earlier.
Moses. He had doubt and Jesus had to turn his staff into a snake, even after the burning bush affair.
Even Jesus on the cross spoke to god and said "my father why have you forsaken me"
Saxons used to get berried with a cross in one hand and a coin in the other (or a bag of coins). The cross was to show when the got to heaven and the coin was to satisfy a belief that was non christian and involve paying a ferry man to get to the other side.
So did the cross get them to heaven? Or did the coin stop them from getting to heaven?
Jerimiah 33.3 tells us god can do anything and then we should show faith like David, Abraham and Noah because remember the mustard seed thing... If we have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, we can move a mountain.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Spiritual gifts test
I was right. The results came in and it didn't really make an impact until I chatted to the friend.
The top renault was 39 points .... Writing. And as she pointed out maybe this is encouragement for me to continue my blogging.
The last few weeks I have found myself being motivated by the number of views my blog was recording. Ok this may not seem a bad thing, but I felt I was blogging for my own glory and not for God anymore. That's why I stopped blogging and decided to think about closing the blog.
Maybe it was a just another survey like others I've done before, but before they didn't really have a point to them.
This survey I did with a real desire to find out what I should aim for and the result was maybe an answer that maybe was more if a conformation.
Ok I can't spell, and I'm not the best novelist in the world but I do love to write and it helps me to relax and forget the world throws at me.
I will continue to blog and will continue to do so for the right reasons not for personal gain.
"You're talent is gods gift to you, what you do with it is your gift back"
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Mad Cow (last blog???)
Makes me laugh every time, and is one of those jokes that leaves me wondering which one is mad the first cow, the other cow or me.
Is it the first cow, that think the other is a cow when actually it's a horse?
Is the other cow that thinks its a horse?
Or maybe it me that still doesn't know weather they are horses or cow and which is mad.
Do we know our true identity? Do others know our identity? Do we know others identity? To many questions I know but isn't it important to know and let others know our identity? What we believe, why we do or don't do different things that they do.
As a Christian we should be trying to let people know we are Christians and try our best to show our Christianity. I started this blog to share my Christian faith with others both Christians and non Christians.
If you think it's going to make you hated or that people will start avoiding you because you believe in god then be assured it doesn't.
This year I've been through one big pile of poo and to be honest, Ive still a way to go. But one thing I have learnt that I didn't really get a grasp of before is that people respect my faith.
Of course I was low and vulnerable and people will always see that as trying to find a way out. But it was at that low point I cried out to the God who I have believed in all my life just maybe not needed him. And guess what?!? He was right there by my side all along.
I prayed to god when I first made this blog public and thinking I may get 1 or 2 people interested in reading it. If I got one reader I'd have been chuffed that I had the courage to share my faith with them.
Again, guess what? I started to get people liking the blog (most commenting on my lack of spell checker) and returning to read it again.
I though... Hey wouldn't be great to get a thousand views in a year. Then I started to get the odd email from friends here and away. Both Christians and non Christians where reading it. Friends from school, rugby team mates and others from other clubs, people I didn't know would also message me and tell me they read it too.
My thousand in a year... Ha... Something tells me God had other plans. See God doesn't do 1000. I was praying and trying to do what I thought I should and asked god for courage and again he stood there beside me.
See when God wants to use something in a way you don't get he just blows your ideas out the way, and if I have learnt anything from this blogging malarkey it's that with God, you can do more than you think possible.
1000 view in 12 months... With god that shouldn't have been too hard. That was my thinking that if I tried my best and kept God in it at all times 1000 views would have be amazing. But then God spoke and showed me how he works.
10,000 views later I have maybe started to understand that With God we can accomplish so much more... Nothing is impossible knowing God is by your side.
Nothing is impossible for god. And I know he can make a difference.
Jesus then later explains this by saying "The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away". (Matthew 13:20, 21 NIV)
It's so easy to see God in all the good that happens, but when bad things happen or we hit a low point where all around us seems to feel like the end, it easy to lose faith in God.
For weeks I got a buzz from my experience from god. That soon past and I did wonder what would happen next. But what I found is it gave me a real desire to pick up the bible regularly and learn more each day.
People will come to church and enjoy the fellowship and find joy in the good news. But as soon as trouble comes and disaster strikes it's all to easy for some to turn from god and become "backsliders" as so church people would say.
It was never promised that being a Christian would make you free from pain and illness. It didn't say that nothing would go wrong again. But it did promise God would be there with you.
I'm told that going though hard times is always going to happen, but it's those times god can use to make you stronger and coming out the other side, as a Christian will strengthen your faith and god will have used that time to make more like him, and your roots will have grown deeper in the soil.
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Is It's gods plan?
I must put my hands up and confess that my resolution fell at the first hurdle and after about 20 minuets during the evening of January 1st I fell asleep trying to pray for an hour. Big Fail? maybe not as Im really trying to take time every day to pray, even if its just a quick prayer Im sure god know what is in our thoughts.
A new year marks a start, a new chapter a new begining of our lives. We seem to start or finish things on January 1st each year, but if we have failed in our quest to change or improve things have we lost the chance of a new start for another 12 months?
A new begining could be at the start of every month, every week or how about every day. After all the sunsets each day and it rises the next day to present a new begining.
Everyday we are given the chance to start a new chapter, a chance to leave yesturday behind us and start again.When we read in the bible that God is the same today as yesturday, and will not change tomorrow I wonder if it was saying that anytime can be the start of somthing new or a fresh start, the start of somthing he had already planned?
So maybe a failure in life if the chance to get a fresh start. I blogged about Joseph last week and how his trust in God lead him to some pretty bad things but his trust paid of as he became king of Eygipt.
When he was reunited with his brothers that had sold him in the first place he didn't hate them or blame them in anyway as he beloved it was all in Gods plan.
The hardest thing is not to fail but to see that God has a bigger plan.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Keep searching
Well I guess he got one thing right, the bible was written by some clever men over thousands of years.
He asked me to prove that god was real. To be honest I could only tell him about my experience and that maybe he could prove to me he wasn't real.... He couldn't.
If someone said to you there was no gold in China, would he be able to prove this?
He would have had to look under every stone in every hole and in every bodies mouth (checking for gold teeth) and so on and so on, before he could say that there was no gold in China.
To prove there was gold in China, I wouldn't have to look to far before I found someone wearing a gold watch or ring.
Today science has come up with many many things, but still we find that ideas change as we find new things. In fact today scientist believe we have not even started to scratch the service of what is to be discovered on earth and in the universe so how can anyone prove there is no God.
I'm no theologist who can prove the truth in the bible, I can't say that every single part of the bible is 100% written to the exact letter to how it happened. In the same way there is no scientist on earth that can't 100% tell us he knows how every thing works or about every living thing or if the big bag theory (yes theory) was correct
But what I can do is but my trust in it and tell you what I have experienced.
If you haven't looked for something how can you be sure it's not there. If you have written of the bible and that God is real then how can you know.
The bible says when you seek him with all your heart you will find him. I recon if you try to disprove he exists you'll be trying to prove it for a long time.
There's a great story in the bible about two builders. Both builders where building a house. The first builder decides that he would build his house on a nice bit of flat sand, this should make placing the foundations easier and then should be a much quicker and easier build.
The second builder finds a hard rock base bit of land and decides that the stronger base may be a tricky area to lay foundations but should make the rest of the build easier with less problems.
We all know what come next don't we. The wind, rain and floods come along and the house that was on the sand colapses and sinks into the soft ground. But the house on the rock stands up to the situation and because of the solid rock base it stays strong and provides shelter through many more storms.
Its a classic Sunday school story and one that is told to the very youngest of children. There's no harm in us all being reminded of that story from time to time as we are reminded of the why it was told all those years ago.
What is our it we base our lives on? Is it that life is meaning less? I guess if it was true that we where all here by accident then yes, I guess life is just a pointless journey.
But life I guess isn't meaningless. We all have to make decitions, we all have to but our trust in others and we all have to think in some way about the future.
What foundation do you have in you life? Is it like the house on the sand that is easy and quick to build? After all if its just a case of we live and then die its alright to try a make quick success.
Or is it better to place a solid foundation, one that brings hope, one that give promise one that will still be there after many storms.
To but you trust in God is to build your house on a firm foundation, not one that's easy and quick to build on.
We live we die. That's an easy consept to belive, it has no real meaning or future but is easy and quick to grasp. But to but your trust in God is sometimes hard but will stand you on the strongest foundation, give you hope and will not let you down.
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Why Christians go to Church?
I did do a blog but as always It didn't quite read how I wanted it to.... then I found this...
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
In Gods hands
I must admit, i was going to stop writing blogs on here in 2013. I guess I have beenfeeling a little under qualified to continue with it as it seems to grow more each week.
when I get feed back from people, sure its great to hear they read it and i hope it helps put a different veiw on thing. When i get bad feed back, well that just makes me blog more.
Ive been looking at a change in the blog for a while and hope to add those changes soon. But until that is possible I may have to either carry on as I am, or put it on hold for a few months.
Thing is when I started at the end of january last year I didn't think id have to many people interested in reading it, and no way did I think I would be looking at 10,000 views in a year. Well that's what its come too, and now I'm wondering if I have bitten of more than I can chew.
I'm writing this having beenawake all night trying to work things out about my life and its been a long darkand lonely time. But suddenly at 7am I find myself blogging, and simething tells me I have to at least try anddo a few more.
There has been somthing in my head for a while now, and although Ive not done much about it, I think I'm going to look into it a little further in 2013. It could be a massive step out in faith, or it could just mean continuing as I am. Either way I'm going to have to have faith God equips me follow his lead
I have some great ideas for this blog, shouldit continue. But if it doesn't I will know that I tried my best and have done what I believe God has asked.
You know I'm not sure God will always give you what you ask, sometimes he has other ideas. But I am sure god gives you direction, and I'm sure if you don't get it or understand he will make It clearer somehow.
There's some things that are just beyond our control. Something's we just can't make sense of right now and others we know are going to change everything. We may even be praying for them not to happen and hope God will fix it all. One thing for curtain is what ever the future holds we're in his hands.