Sunday, 30 December 2012

Wide Awake

Once again i find myself wide awake in the early hours. Not able to sleep and things spinning around in my head over and over again.

I guess if I'm awake I may as well blog, haha!, may even help send me to sleep, guess there's no harm in trying.

So what spinning round in my head? I guess once again it "life" stuff, and trying to think of ways to improve 2013. But then I think, What's the point in worrying and planning?

When the disciples where worried, Jesus would say "fear not". In fact it was almost like a catchphrase.

Look at what it says in Philippians 4: 6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

It's saying don't bother with worry, don't spend the night awake wishing things will change. PRAY, be assured God will listen and have faith he will answer.

"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord , have never forsaken those who seek you". (Psalm 9:9-10 NIV)

Of course this is easier said than done and I'm sure ill be wide awake for a while yet.

Joseph and the amazing.....

If you know the story of Joseph you'll know that he was a guy that against all odds came out on top.

Forget the coat of many colours that didn't last long as his brothers soon got rid of that. It was his ability to translate dreams that helped him to become king of Egypt. But what got him there?

Joseph was seen by his brothers as "the favourite". They planned to kill him but in the end sold him to travellers heading for Egypt.

Joseph must have looked a trust worthy and good servant to take, as if he didn't they wouldn't have wasted time in taking him of the brothers hands.

Joseph then became a good and faithful servant in Egypt as his master trusted him with his property and family. It was there he turned down the advances of the masters wife, only for her to lie about and get Joseph put in jail.

But even in jail, Joseph proved trust worthy and became a trusted prisoner and allowed to be but in charge of his cell mates.

Then he translated two prisoners dreams and was spot on with his productions . One man remembered this and when the king was trying to work out some dreams Joseph was called to help.

Then we see Joseph being made king. He was but I charge of Egypt only to answer to the high king that put him there.

So what was the key to Joseph's success? Of course it was God, and his Hod given ability to translate dreams but there was something else that got Joseph to the top.

People must have seen a faithful honest man in Joseph. Time after time he was shown trust. Time after time he was seen to to be faithful.

What we do and say to others and how we act around them plays a massive part in gaining trust. We can pray and read the bible, attend church each week, these all help. But if we don't try and show that faith on the outside it could be worth nothing.

2013 is less than 48 hours away and we need to go into a new year with a positive attitude. If we are going to tell others then we need to also show them.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16 NIV)

Saturday, 29 December 2012

New Years Resolution

It that time of year that we all start talking about a new year resolution. Some people my say "what for?" Some may make two or three.

By the end of January how many people still have that resolution in tacked? I know I'm rubbish at keeping them, and mine always seems to start on January 2nd just to enjoy one last day of the holiday.

What do people do as a resolution? Well for most it's giving up smoking or drinking, a new diet, or starting a new fitness regime. Well these are all positive steps into a new year and new beginning.

I was wondering what I could try in the new year that would be positive and maybe rewarding for me and for others. Then I was inspired by UCB and thought that maybe 1 hour of prayer each day is a great idea for a resolution, so I decided to look into it.

I'm not the best at praying, I find it hard to concentrate but if I can try and do either an hour in the evenings or 5 to 10 minuets at different times during the day I may be able to achieve it.... Then I read this...

Prayer itself is an art which only the Holy Spirit can teach us. Pray for prayer until you can really pray. (C.H Spurgeon)

So I guess this is a great place to start, also when told about tongues a few months back I may even ask for that ability as then I know my prayers will be full of great things.

1 John 5: 14-15 says.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

Ok finding the time, courage and faith is gonna be hard but I'm sure if I add that to my prayer list I find time even in the busiest days.

Feel free to join me for what I'm calling PRAYER 365, or send prayer requests to help fill an hour a day.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Peer Pressure

We all come under peer pressure from time to time, at school, at work and even in our social lives.

So what is peer pressure? It something that makes us do something or believe something even if inside we don't quite feel its right. Or acting in a curtain way even though we don't really truly like acting that way.

Being a young boy brought up in the Salvation Army my up bringing was maybe a little different to most. I remember sitting on the beach with the Salvation Army playing in the band. When we saw school mates walking by with ice creams we couldn't help wonder if our families where a little strange.

I remember one Sunday we has to hold the beach meeting a little further along the promenade close to the pier. We set up right out side a pub and started our usual music and songs.

As we started I couldn't help but notice a group of guys had ventured out side with their pints. As the music started these guys started to get a bit rowdy.

I was only about 11 or 12 (If that) and would admit I was a little frightened as I stood and played with the band.

At one point as the group seemed to get more and more louder I turned and spotted one guy who was brought up in the Salvation Army, standing with this group and mocking the band. His family where standing in uniform with us and he was standing with a pint shouting at us and mocking.

Peer pressure that day had meant one guy had maybe turned on his family, such is the power of peer pressure he had joined in with the group of drinkers to shout against his up bringing.

Now I must say the guy I'm talking about is a top bloke, and part of my extended church family so I am in no way suggesting this makes him bad.

I leant that day that peer pressure is something that gets us all. But we all have the power to over cone it. Sure I can be mocked, I can be moaned at and I will get critics, but isn't doing what you believe right the thing that makes you greater.

If I felt this blogging lark was wrong I wouldn't do it. If I thought for any minute god didn't want the best for me and my family I wouldn't be sharing it, and if for one minuet I thought the bible was nothing but a book of stories I would read it.

Peer pressure is real as people throughout history have fallen to it, but if we can beat it the better person we become.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Waiting for God?

God works in so many ways to accomplish what he sets out to do. To work his plans for good... He is a master at it.

Look at me, a church goer that maybe just didn't quite see the whole picture so it too a massive event in my life to start understanding him.

Another guy brought up in a Christian home. Turned against church and took up a life of football violence. After being band from his local club and speeding time in jail, he is now Chaplin there and also a prison Chaplin.

Another is a woman that spent years on drugs and making money on the streets as a sex worker to feed her habits, now works on the streets as a Christian aid worker trying to be a friend to the prostitutes that still work there today.

God just doesn't pick out a few people in a crowd and say " you'll do" he chooses everyone no matter what they have done. He just waits in the dark waiting for us to call him up.

The world is full of story's about how god transforms lives. Sometime he even excels in taking even the most scars souls and uses them in a way we can't imagine.

How could god use you in 2013. Think about it and while you do think about it remember he is waiting for you to call him.

If your waiting for god, remember he is is already there waiting for you with a pla

Tuesday, 25 December 2012


Once again I sparked a discussion on Facebook about the importance of a Christian going to church. (I really should learn to keep my mouth shut).

One of the best comments was "going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car" and this hits the nail on the head so I wrote this in my bible.

When I started this discussion i had just been surprised that on the news it had said that 59% of the UK had claimed to be a Christian. This was a surprise as I feel the numbers in churches didn't reflect this.

As the discussion grow I though it would be good to see what it said in the bible.

There are many references in the bible about the importance of going to church so to add them all here would take for ever. However one think it does say is that church isn't the building it's the people and say where two or three people gather in my name I will be there.

Sure going to church doesn't get you a pass to heaven, but doing your best to do what God wants will help. So what does god want from Christians? Well Christians are gods tools. As a Christian I feel I have a job to do, not proving he is real but sharing why I believe in him.

As a Christian we are asked by god to share our faith with other Christians and non Christians alike. I also have found out recently it is important to hear other Christians experiences to learn from them and gain encouragement from them.

A Christian is part of a body of Christ and all work together to build gods kingdom. This comes in so many ways from making tea to looking after children, from greeting people as they arrive to addressing them during a service.

If we do not attend church can we be sure we are doing all that god needs us to do?

Please. Don't think I'm trying to guilt trip anyone about not going to church on a Sunday, I'm not. And of course the bible doesn't say we must attend. But what the bible does say is we must try and find and use the talents we are given to use for his work.

I'm going to get in so much trouble for this blog so I'll quickly end by saying if you can't or don't feel you want to go to a church then maybe a small group would be a way to go.

Most churches will have a small groups that join together during the week. This is both a great way to share and listen with others in a relaxed way. This also includes great social nights with other Christians.

Hey if there's interest from readers of my blog maybe I could ask my church to look into a new group.

Christmas final thought

Just been watching a programme on the nativity and was just thinking what if Jesus was never born. What if the nativity had never happened.

Jesus would still exsist, it says in the bible that Jesus was real in the beginning with God, but what if he hadn't physically been born?

Scrooge gets a chance in the Charles Dickens classic "the Christmas Carol" to see the time in the past, future and present. He gets the chance to see why he needs to change his ways.

The Ghost of Christmas future shows him the horrible reality what will happen if he doesn't start changing and caring for others. His world looks broken and his riches are In fact wasted with no one to share them with.

God sent Jesus into the world to change our future. He sent Jesus who became flesh and real. A man that felt our pain, a man that walked with man.

Because Jesus lived we can live. Jesus was sent so we could have life in all it's fullness, to show God loved the world he created and so we didn't have to pay the full price for our sins, he died and came back from the death to show that we could have eternal life.

Jesus came for you and me, he came to for all nations. It's up to us to make him are friend and saviour. Maybe he was our ghost of Christmas future?

Now Christmas is over and you sit stuffed with turkey, try thinking about how today would have been without Jesus and the nativity or even with out the crusifiction or resorection

Monday, 24 December 2012

At any time, in any way

Well it's just past midnight on Christmas Day and a carrot and mince pie have been left for Santa and Rudolph.

The boys are tucked up in bed and I have done my best to make this Christmas as good as I can make it.

That first Christmas night was not the perfect of nights either. No room in the inn, Joseph having to be in Bethlehem and a donkey being the only available method of getting there.

But God use what he had. He maybe even planned it that way. When the baby arrived there was some cloth to rap it in and three kings brought some useful gifts.

Looking at the story it shows that either god used what was available at the time or he provided just enough to get the baby here safely. Either way I guess it shows how resourceful god is.

You may not be the richest or most cleverest person. Like me you may not have all the knowledge of the bible, and you may not have the strongest faith or a faith at all.

Non of this is a problem for God as he can use all of us at any time, in any way, because to god we all have the ability to be who he wants. He also has the ability to make us into who he wants if we ask and trust him

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Chasing Rainbows

I find myself having to really dig deep tonight. I'm feeling like I'm chasing a rainbow.

Ever tried chasing a rainbow? You just can't seem to get any closer to it than you are already. Because a rainbow is made up of water and light.

It's only formed by the way the light hits the water, and the way we see it. If you try to get close to it, it will just keep moving away.

There no pot of gold at the end either, that was made up by some Irish myth way back when.

I guess you really have to chase God when your faith is low. Praying and listening harder than ever. By chasing god you may not get to him and quicker and he may just be like the rainbow and stay just that one step ahead.

Keep chasing though. Because if we do we will be lead in the right direction and just maybe we will find that pot of gold... Or something far greater.

Where is God?

So its the 23rd December and Christmas will be here soon and over just as quick. Then we will start to reflect on the year 2012 and looking to see what 2013 brings.

I must say that 2012 has not been on the top of my list of greatest years and I not looking forward to 2013 as I can only expect more of the same.

I do sit here now wondering why God hasn't seemed to answer any of my prayers after praying and praying till I blue in the face. It also seems that family and friends seem to sometimes be against you.

I guess once again it about learning to trust that god is ''sorting it'' and I need to once again try and look to him. But what is you just cant seem to find him? surely God wants you to have the best, so why doesn't he bother about doing anything?

I'm not really looking forward to the next few days either, the one person I thought I could trust has ripped mine and my boys lives apart and Christmas this year will be not one I or my boys would have choose but have had to deal with.

So where is God through all this? does he want to see you hit the bottom before he steps in?

after all that has happened this year I think you could forgive me that I'm struggling to see God looking out for me, and I'm wondering if in fact the God I pray to and tell everyone about is real or if he really does keep his promise of giving us the best.

So where now? well I started this blog in January and since then the response has be amazing both from Christians and non Christians so ill continue to blog.

but for now I guess I have to try and use every bit of trust I have left to find faith in god.

Continue to pray in the hope he does answer,  

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Be Still

Everyone seems to be busy these days, especially this tome of year when people are rushing around trying to get the last minuet shopping done so that Christmas will be perfect.

For me a busy life style makes somethings become more important than others. It brings things like money to the top of the agenda.

In the super market today people where rushing round worrying about having the right trimmings on the table for Christmas lunch, and worrying about if they had forgotten anything.

Its easy to worry all year round about stuff in our lives that, let's be honest , could take a back seat.
In the bible god says.... "Be still, and know that I am god" when I read this I think it was almost telling me "Gareth, shut up and listen"

I go round worrying about what people think of me, worrying about about my children, my business and my future,but you know what, sometimes we just have to Be still, shut up, take a step back.

If your worrying or rushing around trying to make things perfect STOP! Remember that god has it covered, remember that we can't try and guess what Gods plan is. Just be still and know that god has the best plan ever. And know that right now God is working on what ever,s on you mind.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Inn Keeper

When Mary and Joseph got to Bethlehem they must have been greeted with people rushing around everywhere. People trying to find a place to stay, People that had got a place to stay out and about looking for food or even having a drink. There where also probably street sellers calling out trying to sell the goods to the travellers.
To the young Mary and Joseph it must have been a scary time, with Mary about to give birth, and Joseph trying his best to do his best to ensure they where safe.Knocking on doors finding every place full and unable to find a place to stay for the night.

When they finally had thought there was no where else to go they found an Inn keeper who took pity on the young couple and suggested they spent the night in his stable. Now I'm not sure if its me or not, but you would have thought they could have found a better place for Mary to have her Baby.

Almost every place they had tried had turned them away. This one inn keeper in Bethlehem had maybe seen the distress or the faces of the couple and realised Mary condition that he could not turn them down and could not see them left wondering the Streets.

OK it wasn't the penthouse suite but it was a dry warm place and would do the job. It Was all the Inn Keeper could give, his rooms where full and he couldn't start kicking people out after they had paid. He seemed a good man and probably wanted to do more to help but as it was, he gave everything he could.which turned out to be more than he knew.

That Stable turned out to be worthy of a King. It became the far destination of three Wise men. It became a place shepherds rush too. It became full of Angels. It was the only place the Inn Keeper could spare but the best thing was that he did spare it, and offered all that he had.

Sometimes we cant give God the best, sometimes we have to settle with just being able to give a little. We may not be able to give the penthouse suite along with hot tube and free mini bar. We may only have a shed to offer. But what does god do? he turns that small offering into the greatest gift.

Remember the loaves and fishes? a small boys dinner of 5 loaves and 2 fish became a banquet for 5000 people, and that Stable in Bethlehem became a place where Jesus King of the World, Prince of peace, Savior of men was born. 

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Stop Rowing

I've drifted away from festive blogs, but sometimes I find that I have so many blogs in my head and if I don't do them straight away I forget to do them at all, so sorry for the dampening of the Christmas spirit.

There are times when I guess we all know whats best. Best for ourselves, best for the people around us and for the people we hear about that are having a bad time.

I'm no different and people who know me will agree when I say I'm stubborn and maybe some times out spoken, and its so hard to change those things.Maybe even when God throws me a line I can tend to throw it back.

Its easy to see a great future ahead and go with it and trusty God will make it all work. But its not so easy to Trust God if he has a  plan isn't the one you are expecting.

So many things have gone on this year in my life and to be honest I really will be glad to see the end of 2012 (think I said that last year too) but then finding more meaning to life and starting this blog in the midst of destruction and pain has maybe shown me much more about myself than I knew.

things that have been shown to me and stuff Ive learnt means I'm looking at 2013 as a way of learning more and finding more abilities in myself I didn't ever think possible.

If I blog about them now I think I would get so much negative feed back it would be a wasted blog.

When your trying to force gods hand I guess he just tightens his grip. It could be a sign of inpatients showing him your not ready. Maybe then we have to sit back and know then past can not be changed.

How about rather than trying to know gods plans we try and trust he will lead you miles further than you can ever dream. Don't force it. Go with it. He will lead you and you ll get there in his time (After all his time is eternity)

So don't row the boat, sit in it and trust he will do the navigating.

Born Again, Saved for All Time

 (I saw this and wanted to share it... I adapted it for the blog.)

“Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” John 3:7

Have you ever known anyone who was physically born twice?

Have you ever known someone who was spiritually born twice?

Nowhere in the Bible will you find a passage that describes anyone being saved twice. Once you come into the family, you’re in the family.

Now there were times when I disappointed my parents. There were times when my father had to chastise me, but I am a Cook. I will be a Cook for all eternity. It’s the same way with your spiritual life. When you are born into the family of God, your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. It is fixed. It is done.

Do you know a brother or sister in Christ who is doubting his/her salvation? Encourage him/her with this Good News today.

Tea towel and crook

My three year old was a King in the Sunday School Christmas play and my seven year old was a camera man of all thing, you know that part of the Christmas story? ... Nope Nor me.
Anyway when I was a boy I never made it past being a shepherd,. Every year there I was with tea towel on head and staff in hand in amongst the other many shepherds that didn't make it to a king or Joseph. 

The Kings brought Gifts (that reminds me I was the back end of a camel once at school) Gold... and some other stuff, What did a shepherd bring? Well one lucky Shepherd got to take a Lamb into the stable (not me) but what goods a lamb to a New born King. OK, it may have been a tasty treat for a hungry carpenter but that's about it. Even the Angels got net curtain wings and a tinsel halo.

So what did the Shepherd do? Well they where in the fields looking after the sheep. They where probably not even they re own sheep as some rich bloke would have been paying them to look after them for him.
The angels appeared to them and told them about this new king.

The angle had appeared to Mary and Joseph then to the shepherds. Which I guess made the shepherd pretty important in Gods eyes. Even the Wise men (with their gifts and crowns) had to follow a star. but the shepherds got angles.

You know, I didn't really want to be a King. I didn't actually want  to be a shepherd either. Id have been happy watching but even then Id have been important cause I'm sure you cant give a message to an empty church (that's a blog for 2013)

God sent the Angels to the Shepherds, The working men on the hill. Not the Kings or the rich Land owners, he sent them to the Shepherds. Why?: because The Baby born that night was the Son of God, The Savior of men, he had come to give Everyone Life in all its Fullness.

Marys Faith

So what you hoping to get on Christmas Day? I new pair of slippers? An iPhone?

We have so many things we would like bit to be honest if we had everything we wanted we wouldn't have much to look forward too would we.

What about those times when we have nothing to look forward to, everything we had and ever wanted gets taken from you and the future looks bleak.

We probably just find it easier to give up, and just let every last bit of hope be ripped from us.

Things can happen in our lives that just seem to rip our world apart. I'm sure many Christians have looked to God and shouted ''Why me!''. As much as we try we just cant seem to see any good in the future.

It was over 2000 years ago when a young girl called Mary was sitting at home doing her every day chores when she was suddenly told she was pregnant and she was going to have a son and she was to name him Jesus. What must have gone through her head. She was a virgin at the time and Sex out of wedlock was a massively shameful thing.

We all know what happened next. And I'm not talking Shepherd's and kings. I'm talking blind men seeing, feeding 5000 and resurrection. The worry and stress that Mary felt would soon turn to Love and Pride as she had given birth to The Son of God.

We cant always see Gods plans and most of the time we cant even imagine them, but how ever bad things get, however bad seem, God promises the best. Mary couldn't see it at the time I'm sure, even with an angle coming down to tell her. She must have needed to dig deep for her faith and it paid of as God delivered his every promise.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Candy Canes.

History of Candy Canes
The origin of the candy cane goes back over 350 years.

The origin of the candy cane goes back over 350 years, when candy-makers both professional and amateur were making hard sugar sticks. The original candy was straight and completely white in color.
Birth of the Candy Cane

Around the seventeenth century, European-Christians began to adopt the use of Christmas trees as part of their Christmas celebrations. They made special decorations for their trees from foods like cookies and sugar-stick candy. The first historical reference to the familiar cane shape goes back to 1670, when the choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, bent the sugar-sticks into canes to represent a shepherd's staff. The all-white candy canes were given out to children during the long-winded nativity services.

The clergymen's custom of handing out candy canes during Christmas services spread throughout Europe and later to America. The canes were still white, but sometimes the candy-makers would add sugar-roses to decorate the canes further.

The first historical reference to the candy cane being in America goes back to 1847, when a German immigrant called August Imgard decorated the Christmas tree in his Wooster, Ohio home with candy canes.

The Stripes

About fifty years later the first red-and-white striped candy canes appeared. No one knows who exactly invented the stripes, but Christmas cards prior to the year 1900 showed only all-white candy canes. Christmas cards after 1900 showed illustrations of striped candy canes. Around the same time, candy-makers added peppermint and wintergreen flavors to their candy canes and those flavors then became the traditional favorites.

Sweet Secrets of the Candy Cane

There are many other legends and beliefs surrounding the humble candy cane. Many of them depict the candy cane as a secret symbol for Christianity used during the times when Christian were living under more oppressive circumstances. It was said that the cane was shaped like a "J" for Jesus. The red-and-white stripes represented Christ's blood and purity. The three red stripes symbolized the Holy Trinity. The hardness of the candy represented the Church's foundation on solid rock and the peppermint flavor represented the use of hyssop, an herb referred to in the Old Testament. There is no historical evidence to support these claims, quite the contrary, but they are lovely thoughts.

Friday, 14 December 2012

The Mask

Remember the Film ''The Mask''? one Jim Carey's perfect roles where he plays a dull Guy working 9 till five, and generally finding it hard to but a little bit of fun in his life.

Then he stumbles upon a mask that turns out to have magic powers. When he puts on the mask it turns him into a quite outrages charictor.

When Jim Carey sticks on the mask he becomes a new person. It takes him to places he never thought he would go, and allows him to meet people he would never have met and even allows him to do things he never thought possible.

.After all these great things had happened he began to realise that the person in the mask was not the person he wanted to be. It almost became an addiction to but the mask on to create excitement and become someone that he wasn't.

How many Masks do we put on in the course of a week? We May wear a different mask at work or school than we do at home. We may even wear a mask in in the company of than than and a different one when with another friend.

God didn't create us with a mask, we seem to make up these masks to suit our situation. I could even say it just human nature, but maybe we need to throw those masks away and be proud of who we are and how God created us.

Any Masks we wear maybe there cause we thing people like us more, or because it will make us more successful. Well when it comes down to it success can only be found by being ourselves and not cheating behind a mask.

Ever heard that term ''Put on a Brave Face'' Well maybe this means ''Take Off'' the Masks because the bravest face to be seen with is your own.

Carol of the Bells

Michael Buble comes to Trimley.

I just got a text asking me to blog about Christmas but Ill leave that till next week.. What I will mention is that the other night I got rather excited when I was quietly minding my own business and suddenly I was aware of Michael Buble was outside my house. I could hear him, singing is heart out with Christmas songs.

I like Mr Buble (in a manly way) as his style of song is great and he has one of those easy listen tones (not that I know anything about that)

Wow the bloke had come to the little village to surprise us with his Christmas play list.this I have to see..

I ran down stairs and open the door. Maybe a little concert in the village? maybe Id get to do a sneaky duet with him? before I could open the door the door bell rang. As I opened the door I was greeted by a lady with false Christmas Antlers and a most annoying smile ''Merry Christmas'' She said shaking a money box at me.

I pushed her out the way and ran out to see Buble who was then singing silent night.

Oh...  turns out Michael Buble was actually Father Christmas on a trailer with a CD player. And the local Rotary Club had given him a Michael Buble Christmas CD to fill his boots with.

OK, this is maybe a bit of a made up story, and to be honest I don't mind seeing Santa on his sleigh pulled by an estate car while Rudolf  looks on, unable to move at the shock of being 2 weeks early with no over time pay.

Well so far that's my Christmas (other than buying the Kids presents) and I must say I'm not looking forward to it but one thing I am going to try and do is make sure I remember what its all about.


Change Prayer.

An saw an inspiring quote today on facebook and twitter by Joyce Meyer that read...

Don't plan and then pray for God to make it work. Pray and find out what God's plan is.

So many times I pray and have a Pacific prayer. In fact that's been my prayer for quite some time now, and something inside of my thick head tells me to keep trusting and not lose faith.

But if we are praying for a curtain thing are we allowing God to work his best plan for our lives?

There's nothing wrong with praying for what you want, after all god does answer prayer If we are Pacific and give God total faith then surely God we give us our hearts desire.

STOP!.... What if what we want is not what we really need? What if we cant see Gods greater plan? God Says ''I know the plans I have for you''  so maybe we should change the way we pray, or at least add something to it.

How about we start to pray if a different way. Sure ask god for what you want but also include asking God what he wants. Ask him to show you his plans. Remember ''Thy'' will be done, not ''My'' will be done.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Soaring Like Eagles.

I think I may have hit the lowest point today. Last night and this morning I must admit I felt as low as I have ever done. Then I listen to a song which said "as I wake I rise up like an eagle, and as I soar with you your spirit moves me on in the power of your love"

I've heard this song so many times in the past, even sung it in church but today it seemed to have a meaning.

It a also says in that song "the weakness I see in me will be striped away by the power of your love"

See right now and for a long time (and a long time to come) I am weak in many ways. The smallest of problems, the things I can't change and much more just keep cropping up and as I deal with one two or three more arrive.

I'm starting to feel a complete failure tithe people around me and am finding things holding me back.

This song reminded me of what I'm learning more and more as I go on through the hard times.

Those weaknesses can be removed when we trust in Jesus. And the amazingly once we realise this we will be raised up like an eagle, flying and dominating the sky.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Christmas - A Christian Time.

Christmas is that time of year where most people seem to go over the top on food and drink. It is also that time of year when children look forward to that man in red coming down the chimney pot with a sack full of gifts.

In my house when i was younger Christmas was all of these things (with out the drink) and it was probably the same as many homes across the UK, with a tree in the corner and light up at the window. But there was something different about our family Christmas, not a unique thing but maybe a rare thing.

Being a Christian home we would always know the true meaning of why we celebrated Christmas in our house. It wasn't because we all got a week off, or that it was a time for partys and lots of nice food. No in our house it was about the birth of Jesus.

Christmas is a christian festival and I know many will disagree with that saying its a Pagan thing and that where it comes from. OK I agree the 25th of December was a date for Pagans to mark
  • the birthday of the unconquerable SUN god, (variously know as Tammuz, Mithra, Saturn, Adonis or BAAL) centuries before Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. 

  • However, Willian Booth (Founder of the Salvation Army) but music high on the list of things he enjoyed, he introduced music into his church and it played an important part of worship. One day at a service at a theater a man stood up on stage and sang a song ''bless his name he sets me free'' Wiliam Booth enjoyed it so much he went to talk to the man after the service ''Whats the tune'' asked Booth, the man hung his head almost in shame infront of General and founder William Both. ''Champagne Charlie'' replied. ''THATS IT'' Cried Booth, ''Why Should the Devil have all the best tunes''.

  • The words ''Champagne Charlie is his name'' had been replaced with ''Bless his name he sets me free'' and William Booth had heard and seen people responding to this tune with new lirics and it didn't mater what the tune was because the liric's where the most important.  

  • So what difference does it mater what time of year it is. Christians have made 25th of december a Day to celebrate Jesus being born, the son of God entering this world. If the Pagans did take Christmas day as there own then Christians Took it back and good came from it. ''Why should the Devil have all the best dates''

  • It doesn't say a date in the bible when the whole nativity came together in that stable, infact Jahovah Witnesses celebriate the birth of Jahovah around April time and celebrate the whole life of Jesus to co inside with the Death of Christ at Easter, but hey what the Pagans did was pick a date that became well known for the Christians to make it their own and for good.. 

    Friday, 30 November 2012

    Teach us to pray

    One of the disciples ask jesus to teach them how to pray, so Jesus taught them The Lord pray..

    Father, may your name be kept holy and your kingdom come. Give us every day bread for our needs. May we have forgiveness for our sins, as we make free all those who are in debt to us. And let us not be put to the test.

    This was a pretty good general pray and is still a great basis for all our praying today.

    But then Jesus explained about prayer saying that if they went to a friends house late at nigh and asked to borrow some bread but the friend shouted "go away I'm in bed" but you kept knocking on the for and asking eventually because of your persistence he will get up and give you all the bread he has.

    If you child asks for fish for dinner, do you give him a snake? No because you know how to give good gifts to your kids.

    How much more then will god give to us if we keep asking. This is explaining that when we ask and ask again in prayer god will answer for we have shown faith.

    "Even though"

    In this Lowe and hardest time of my life it's starting to sometimes feel that God is moving me forward only to knock me down.

    The weight on my shoulders seems to slowly lift only to then get give a whole new bigger weight to carry.

    Talking with a friend tonigh she told me about a hard time in her life she told me how at the hardest time she read Psalm 23. You know the one, "the lords my shepherd"

    She told me how two words stood out to her in verse 4.

    "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me".
    (New International Translation)

    She pointed out it says "Even Though". It doesn't say everything will be trouble free and all hunkidory, it say EVEN THOUGH.

    Even though we will feel pain, even though people will hurt us, even though we will lose loved ones god will guild us and be there with us. Just like a shepherd with his sheep.

    Psalms 23 is one of the most well know, and there's 150 of them. Why don't you read it yourself. See what it says on verses 5 and 6 and find the faith that good will come.

    Wednesday, 28 November 2012

    Which WAy?

    Theres a story in the bible about a talking donkey.... strange I know but hey why not after all there was also a talking bush. 

    The Donkey belonged to a guys called Balaam and while on the way to somewhere God dint want him to go the donkey spoke to him. Read about it in Numbers 22: 28.

    Even Jonah tried to run from a place that God wanted him to go. Got swallowed by a ''big fish'' that spat him back on the beach where god was trying to send him. Read it in Jonah 1: 1.

    Ever get that feeling you should be doing something different. Maybe life just isn't what you think it should be, or feel it should be taking a different direction. Well when we stop and think about what God wants, and even ask him what he wants, life can take a turn in a better direction.
    If your hearing one thing from God and another from people around you, which one is right?  and how can we be sure its actually God and not ourselves telling us the way forward.

    Im a great believer in Listening and learning (something I've never been good at in the past) If your going to pray and speak to god, we assume he is listening. So its only right to listen to him. His answers may not be always easy to hear, and his will may not always be easy to swallow. But he does listen and he does answer.

    OH its so hard doing the right thing. Does god speak through others? does he talk directly at you? Does he stick a big sign up for you to see on you way to work saying ''THIS WAY''.

    Well I guess all of these are possible its just knowing which to look for I guess. So many things are giving me so many directions It really hard to go in any direction/ But then maybe that's what he wants ''WHO KNOW?''

    I guess if we choose the wrong direction and trust in him, like Balaam and Jonah he will direct us back or if not back he will keep us on the right road as long as we listen.


    Tuesday, 27 November 2012

    News Nov 2012 - Don't Panic!!! Don't Panic!!!

    The sad new last week of the death of Clive Dunn (AKA Corporal Jack Jones) was one of those times that you cant help but smile when you remember the work of Clive Dunn.  Best known for his part in the TV show Dads Army Jack Jones could often be heard shouting ''Don't Panic!'' while running around like a headless chicken as everyone around him stayed calm.

    Don't worry. this isn't a tribute to Clive Dunn but I did get me wondering what reaction people would have when I die. And trying not to be morbid or anything but just a thought of how important are others to us.and what felling would we be leaving behind.

    Like my friend Mark Versey, who left us all with such a legacy from how he lived for Christ, Like Clive Dunn, who's name when you hear it just seems to bring a smile to your face, some people will leave a mark in your life by how they lived theirs and what they did with theirs.

    Maybe sometimes we have to look at our lives and ask questions like, How will we be remembered? are we going to leave a legacy of any worth?

    With other new in the last few weeks The BBC is under pressure as allegations started to emerge of one of their much loved past presenters may well have be a peadofile and left with children on a regular basis.

    Now then, the legacy left by this man was one of greatness, TV work, Radio Work and a massive amount of work for charity and even a knighthood left a memories of respect and maybe even inspirational. Only he left with a few stones unturned and over night seemed to have gone from a respected (if not a little eccentric) to a sad old crazy man that (it is reported) has had his Head stone removed be the family.

    What will you be remembered for? is it something you have done or is it something your going to do?


    I may have Jumped the gun with the blog about The Rapture. It seems there could be a slight clash of Opinions in the Bible on this subject.

    I guess its another learning situations for me, and I may have looked at some information that was... I wouldn't say wrong... maybe... not the whole truth.

    when I got home that night I started thinking about how scary the Rapture thing was. And seeming I was ready to got to heaven then what did I need to do?

    It all seemed like something from a horror movie that I didnt want to be a part of so I needed to look into it all a bit more. To think that only a small part of the church was ready for heaven I wondered how many of my church and friends where ready.

    It says so many other things in the bible ''He that believes in the lord shall never die but have eternal life'' however I think I've worked out that its more than just believing in God, its living with God that makes the difference.

    Please don't think The Rapture is a threatening ''if you don't go to church your doomed'' type of thing, its not. and I believe the God I serve just wants us to put all our trust in him and do the best we can to keep him at the center of our lives and to be the best we can be.

    I guess what Ive learned from this is that we need to check stuff out for ourselves, our ministers, people on TV and the internet can say what ever they like and different people will have different views on different subjects. So do we trust those people more than God?

    We need to check it out. just like I did. I had something in my mind telling me what I learned just didn't weigh up something telling me to seek the truth for myself. I'm not sure I'm any clearer than when I started looking at the subject, but what I can say is I'm not in such a panic about getting ready because if I took the teaching I had on Friday as 100% true then I don't think ill ever be ready.

    I just wanted to share this story too.

    Earlier on in the year when most of this stuff was new to me I sat and watch THE GOD CHANEL. Yes Yes I know it seems a little sad. Anyway there was an american on saying how god reformed his life when he had no money.

    He said how he got $500 and then within a day he had given that $500 to the church and to the poor people (he said this was an order from god.He said how he became rich and made his money back a hundred times over.

    Suddenly after a great and inspiring story from the flamboyant American guy the program changed it to what I can only describe as a Telefon (you know the kind of thing) The where asking people too ''SOW SEEDS'' and promising great wealth to those who did.

    Now considering my new faith and and the fact I was struggling with all aspects of my life at the time there was a point I reached for my wallet, but it just didnt seem right to give to this TV program.

    Deciding not to give $500 to this ''Seed Sowing Church'' I looked into it and when reading and asking others about it I realised I had done the right thing by not giving.. Had God stopped me from throwing away $500 0r am I not as gullible  as I thought

    Thje bible says ''be aware of false profits'' I think the church on God TV where making fulse profits in more ways than one, So If you heard something dont just assume its correct.... look it up and learn more..

    Friday, 23 November 2012

    I need to start Getting ready.

    Out of a moment of learning I suddenly had a moment of reality. this reality came as I started to look at (what the bible calls) THE RAPTURE. Now as far as I can tell this is when Jesus returns to earth and takes the people to heaven that have been ''born again''........ But does he?

    Luke 14 v16-26 tells the Parable of the banquet. This is where a rich guy invites three mates to have dinner. All three turn down the offer. The first guys says ''I have just brought a new field and need to go see it''. The 2nd guys says "I've just ordered some new cows and need to collect them'' and the third says ''I Just got married so cant come''

    This Man Then tells his survant to go into the streets and invite the poor and hungry people to come and feast on the food, He then say ''The Invited ones that had more important stuff to do will not have any of this banquet''

    Looking at some of the stuff about ''The Rapture'' has brought the Parable of the Banquet into context. The three people that had more important things to do did not share the feast. they choose to do other things in life (and ok taken the situation of the story they may have had a good reason) but the like all parable there was a point to this parrable that Jesus told.

    To enter the kingdom of heaven is not easy and looking at some of the reasons its not easy also could mean many ''Christians'' will not go with the father to heaven, Including me.Scary hey, but Im not trying to scare you. I looked at stuff it said we should be free from to enter heaven. Addictions, Lust and all kind of worldly piossons. Holding grudges not forgiving, not tithing, not sharing the the bible and your faith, the list goes on.

    So I came to the conclusion that I (and maybe many others) need to do more to earn our place in heaven because if we are left behind after the rapture the world will be a very different place (for the worse) and one that will lack moral. Every man for himself will be the way of survival, Brother will turn against Brother, Children will turn against Parents. OK Ill stop that now as Im in danger of being accused of being MAD.

    The fact of the mater is being a beliver in god will not get you into heaven. It needs more work than just believing, and shockingly Im not yet ready ARE YOU?

    Thursday, 22 November 2012


    "You must be born again"

    It says that in the bible. Of course it's referring to becoming a Christian, and is saying to have life in all it fullness and eternal life your must accept Jesus into your life.

    Some people have said to me that they just don't get what difference it makes, so I thought I'd try and explain it in this blog.

    At work we have this old run down garden/ courtyard. And over the years it has become over grown and used as a bit of a dumping ground.

    It's not a bad size garden and I guess at some point it served a purpose for some one. But to be honest it had become a bit of an eye sore for people that visited.

    So I decided the time had come to re-vamp it. The weeds had to go. The shingle had the be moved and the rubbish disposed of.

    We then thought it would be a great idea if not only the garden could be used by the flat upstairs but also as a show area for the artificial grass that we had started to supply.

    We set to work and the grass was laid then we painted the breeze block wall and although not complete the work that we have done has made a massive difference.

    Sometime things need to change to make for a better future. We have to get rid of some of the stuff that is just plane ugly and replace it with stuff that makes us happier, makes others happier.

    Stripe away the rubbish, the weeds and the unsightly shingle and simply start over with cleaner and new foundations.

    Yes it could get more messy than when you started. And yes it's gonna take a bit of work. But it will start to take shape and although its always gonna be "work in progress" you'll find it a better to live with, you'll see things more clearer, and people will enjoy the new transformation.

    Vineyard decline.

    A company in France had been making wine for generations. Since the very beginning the family that ran the vineyard had used the same technique and used the same machinery to make and store the wine.

    One of the processes in the wine making was the use a large wooden tank to store the wine for a certain period before being bottled.

    Now after 100 years the new generation decided it was time for an update. And brought in new equipment to speed up the process and make more wine and more money.

    The large wooden tank was replaced with an even larger stainless steel one. This allowed the family to pick more grapes and store more wine and fill more bottles.

    What happened was over a couple of years they notice at first an increase of profits but that soon started to decrease until the profits where down and sales started to drop.

    What they found was the reason behind the down turn in sales was not the financial climate, but the fact the quality of the wine had dropped. And although making more wine the sales had fallen and they where not getting close to the price per bottle as they used too.

    They also seemed to have a lot of unsold stock sitting around and that they could not sell unless they sold it at a loss.

    The fact was they now seemed to be too efficient and making to much wine. And it was decided the quality of the wine was in the taste, and the wine being stored in the new steel tank didn't have the same quality bouquet as the wine that used to come from the old wooden one.

    If we try and ignore what's important in our lives, we can sometimes find that the quality of our lives and mind can stay to fall.

    We can even try and force a better life by replacing it with stuff that just leaves a bad taste. We can even try and stop change which can sometimes prevent us from moving forward.

    Try and step back and see what things in your life are important and try and make change that can help improve your life and the people around you.


    If for some strange reason you read all my blogs you may remember when I blogged about the guy on a desert island who turned down being rescued by a helicopter as he said that it wasn't needed as god would save him.

    He died and went to heaven and when he questioned god as to why he did save him god said "we'll I sent a helicopter"

    This was all about listening to god. And that sometimes we have to see things from a different perspective.

    Off course it's important to pray. But it can be just as important to listen. And I've been listening, but have I been hearing?

    I'm not sure what god has up his sleeve for my life, but I know what I'm hearing and I pray that it's right.

    As long as I seek gods will then I'm sure god will provide. And if I've missed that helicopter, then I know he will send another.

    Get up again.

    Today I once again fined my self with lots of worries on my mind and lots of things just dragging me down. I guess on these bad days we just have to try and dig in and find a way to keep moving forward.

    Some sayings spring to mind and the first is ''its not the winning but the taking part''. Now Id like to agree with that but as a christian I would like to add that its also about doing everything you can to finish the race.

    Another thing I heard is ''Failure is not falling down, its refusing to get up again''. and also ''Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain''.

    So what do these sayings all mean. Well, they are all about inspiration and there are many other quotes to help inspire you through troubled times.

    If we are running a race and we start to fall behind. If we have fallen and don't get up to finish then we may be looking at failure.

    It's not about winning the race, it's not about how you run the race. Sometime just staying in the race is a success.

    You may well have to cruel part of the race. You may have to take some steps backward to get back on course, but as long as you start the race, stay in the race and finish the race then success not failure will be won.

    Tuesday, 20 November 2012


    A mate of mine put on his face book status... ''Did you shine today?'' Now me being me said ''NO. I don't have a light to shine right now'' his answer back was ''its about reflecting the light'' ah GOT IT.

    Now Im not sure if I should mention whoi it was that Im talking about, but Im one for breaking rules so I tell you it was Simon Scott a guy from my church and Trombone playing genius.

    Im Guessing this was in referance to a sermon he did on Sunday while the Felixstowe band where visiting another Salvation Army up north. I wasn't there so cant be sure but that simple comment back from Simon kind of stuck in my mind.

    Now if I'm right then on the upside I got the message without needing to sit in the service to get a bad back. and I was listening to another sermon which was just as good.

    Reflect the light... You know what, thats a pretty good skill to have and one that im gonna try and do.

    Sometimes you dont have a light to shine, or its so dull it doesn't shine much anyway. Its like its gone out. Its like a candle in a breeze blown out and needs to be lite again.

    Even with no light to shine a survivor can be seen from miles around by using a mirror or a bit of glass from a watch or pair of glasses.

    We may not have the energy to shine a light or sometimes our light needs re-lighting put we can Reflect Gods light through our actions and know that he will re-light our flame once more. Hey and you know what... maybe if you can reflect light when your light all but out. You may well find that your light glows brighter.

    Even Better...... You ever seen a prysum? pyrimid shaped glass, they bend and split light, so when light hits it it reflects the light in a different direction in a different way. increasing the light thats pointed to them into different colors.

    Looking at life differently


    I have said it before and Ill say it again. ''We Never stop Learning'' and in fact learning is what helps us to grow and move forward.

    I was told yesterday it was about time I blogged again. The truth is I haven't really felt like blogging for over a week. I have been really struggling with my faith in God and been in a really dark place.

    Remember Jesus on the cross, he called out ''My father, why have you forsaken me''. The thing was that God hadnt forsaken Jesus or left him to die on a cross, he had given him the strength to endure the crosifixtion and then raised him from the dead.

    Once again its about faith and believing in god and his promise. finding the faith to believe in God is so hard (espetally when others try and knock you down) even Jesus when hanging on the cross started to lose faith.

    I guess im hanging on that cross at the moment, suffering the hurt and trying to understand why I'm where I am. Why people in my life have hurt me and why God seems too have stopped caring. Maybe when I call and hear him Im listening to the wrong voice. I guess all I can do in trust and dig in and have the faith that god will keep his promise to me.

    This morning a good friend of mine share a prayer with me called ''Serenity''. To be honest Im not really even sure Ive ever heard that word before but the prayer was one of those simple and powerful ones that has left its mark on me today.....

    The first time I read it today I wondered if it was a bit of a ''get out'' prayer, one of those very general prays that is the answer for everything. But reading it again I realised that I cant change any situation unless I do it with god. I wont find courage without god to do whats right and god will give me the wisdom to know whats right.

    SERENITY....? I can only guess it means peace or grace. or and calmer state of mind?.... Well I pray this prayer and try and hold on to Gods word, He will light my path and deliver the best..

    Friday, 9 November 2012


    Within the church you'll always get people that feel like a bit of a spare part. They just don't seem to see themselves as any use.

    This kind of thought I guess is partly because people set themselves a limit and can form a barrier.

    The fact is that God sets no limits, and doesn't put up barriers. And how ever long we have been Christians for makes no difference to what we can do.

    So as Christians weather old or new we have the access to the same strengths. This means that god has given us the power to over come all.

    We all have an ability to play a part within gods church and to minister and to share gods word. These skills can be put into 3 basic category's... Teaching, Preaching and Sharing.

    Teaching – Some people can read the bible and go through it and explain what it all means. They can quote references of the top of their head and answer questions and Explain what bible stuff means.

    Preaching – Some people can Give out the message not by doing what teaching does and feeding your mind, but by hitting your heart. They have an ability to encourage and inspire.

    Sharing – This is telling others what Jesus has done for you. It can be just as powerful as the other 2 (preaching and Teaching) and quite often far more powerful. (in the bible this is Testimony)
    These different talents play an important role in many walks of life, not just the church. and as a christian I find I'm challenged by others to try and prove God exists. But you know what, I don't need to prove or teach people about God or preach at them every time they I see them.
    God selected me as a disciple, god gave me a place in heaven, Jesus has given me the power equal to his, in fact I don't need to prove or teach, what I do have a obligation to do is share, share my experiences, share my thoughts and share my talents.
    We may not feel that we have a talent we can use, we may feel like a spare part but I believe every christian has the gift of sharing.

    Tuesday, 6 November 2012

    My favorite joke ever......

    This Alsatian  dog goes into the local Job Centre looking for a job. He walks up to the lady at the desk and says ''Hi, I'm looking for work''. Surprised the lady (almost falling of her chair) said '' Wow your a dog... and you talk''. ''Yes Yes'' Says the Alsatian, ''Im a talking dog looking for work''.

    The ladie tells the dog to wait as she may just have the perfect job for the talking Alsatian. Then a few minuets late the lady comes back and tells the dog to be at Chipperfield Circus at 9am the following day.

    Happy, the dog thanks the ladie and starts to walk out of the Job Centre then suddenly turns back. ''Just one thing'' the dog says to the lady....... ''what do Chipperfield circus want a brick layer for''.

    Now your either laughing with me, or your sat in silence not getting the Joke. Either way forget the joke. The Job Centre staff member had seen the Talking dog and came up with her own ideal job him.

    With no questions or thought she thought she new what was the best line of work for the Alsatian, and straight away called the Circus to tell them of this amazing find.

    It so easy to make our minds up about people before we even get to know them. Its also easy to think we know what is best for someone else. But to be honest, its acts like this that make people the way they are.

    Ive been exercising my brain in recent weeks to try and look through the exterior of people and try and see the good inside. Its an amazing skill to have but sadly I don't have that natural skill and very often look at what I see as the whole story. I also sometimes think I know what people need and sometimes think to myself a good kick up the back side would be an answer. 

    But trying to look at people differently and listening to what people say, I have not only found I can learn from others, Ive also seen many in a completely different way.

    Challenge.... Try and look at someone differently, It could be someone you know well or someone famous, try and see the good things about them and then try and see the world through their eyes. Also try and look at them through Gods eyes and think about how Jesus sees that person.

    The Firework.

    As I walked with my 3 and 7 year old boys across the playground yesterday on the way to school we found a used firework that had landed there over the weekend.

    What seemed to me as a soggy old firework, dirty and useless, to 3 year old Edward and 7 year old Ben it took on a whole new vision. ''we could launch a playmobil man into space'' Ben said. Edward then thought he would like to visit the moon. Ben worked out that Edward could hold on tightly to it as it was launch, but Daddy would have to light it as that a dangerous job.

    After school the excitement of visiting space was still on the boys minds and we agreed to go and but a small pack of rockets to let of in the garden. The boys watched on in ore as each rocket was lite, launched and then exploded in the sky.

    The Firework that we had found in the playground that day, seemed useless, no good for anything but the bin. It seemed to have had its day and having done what it was intended to do had landed in our path and was no use to anyone.

    Then with a bit of clever thinking by two little boys had become a whole new adventure, a trip to the moon. New life seemed to have been put in to the dead firework and resulted in a mini firework extravaganza in our garden.

    We can feel that our life has no use, and we can seem empty and have no future. Maybe we feel that we have been like that firework, once ready to launch and hit the heights where we have exploded into a bright display of light. Then come back down to earth with a bump, not good for anything anymore and only good to lay a rot away in a cold wet puddle.

    But maybe that not where the story ends, and we can once again have new life (sometimes in a different way) and in the right hands with the right mind we can once again become full of life ready to launch to new heights once more.

    Friday, 2 November 2012

    End of and era at Factory

    Here in Felixstowe we have in the past months had one of the large town employees make people redundant. The Factory in question is ITRON, at least i thing that's what they call it these days as its started life as SANGAMO WESTERN and also SCHLUMBURGER (i think that's spelt correctly) and ACTARUS.

    Now the factory has been a big part of the town for many many years and many family's have had strong ties with it. My family for one had a strong history with the factory as My Dad, Brother, uncle and myself all worked there for a while.

    It had a family atmosphere and the people people that worked there would agree that it was a place they loved to hate. Work was sometimes monotonous but the there was never a dull moment and always a friendly atmosphere.

    I remember going to Factory Children's Parties as a boy and watching magicians and meeting father Christmas and getting a toy. Also Staff nights out would be a somewhat lively affair. There are many names that spring to mind when I think of the factory and everyone that worked there will have there own special memory's and story's of factory life.

    It an end of an era. and I'm guessing some people may not know what the future will bring. Some have found new work but others are finding it hard to get a job. Some people remain in the factory for a while longer and I can only imagine how quiet it is in the areas that where once full of machine no noice and people working.

    God gives hope in all situations and can change situations in a way we cant ever imagine. This may not come in the form of some millionaire buying the factory and re employing staff. it may not even come in the form of new work that pays double before, but I do know it will come in a great form and those people will look back a factory days and fondly remember but also be in a better place.

    Facebook App.

    I have this thing on Facebook that is called message from god. It just one of those silly apps that someone made up to try and get people to add.
    This application is called Message from God. Its a bit like a daily bible Reading or study. I never really bother with it and to be honest its one of those things that seem a great idea at first and after the first day or two Id forgotten about it. But today it came up on my facebook page and so I decided to read what it said
    It said.......
    On this day of your life, Gareth, we believe God wants you to know ... that it's time you let go.
    Yes, of course, you want to control so everything happens in just the way you want it. But at the end of the day, we control nothing, - it's all in God's hands, - has always been, and will always be. So, do what you can, and then let go, and let God handle the rest.
    Ive been suffering with stuff like panic attacks and depression, I find it hard to do anything in the evenings and many evening go to bed at 5.30pm.
    I guess maybe I am trying to control what I do and what I see. Sometimes I have to stay in the house as I feel safe there. Although I fully trust in God maybe I have to let go of those things I'm trying to control and Let God control them.
    Knowing God has a much better plan for me then I could ever imagine, I guess i have to know its all in Gods hands and I can only do what I can and let God handle the rest. He is the Potter we are the clay.